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In absteigender Reihenfolge
  1. Selection of impulse pipes and sampling lines for water and steam sectors in thermal power stations - ebook

    Selection of impulse pipes and sampling lines for water and steam sectors in thermal power stations - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-170-R-41;2012-07.EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    This VGB-Standard was created to adapt the design of measurement and analytical/ discharge lines to the increased steam parameters and the updated long-term parameters.

  2. Basic Terms of the Electric Utility Industry, 11th edition, free of charge - ebook

    Basic Terms of the Electric Utility Industry, 11th edition, free of charge - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-002-01-2019-05-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 0,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 0,00 €

    Nicht auf Lager

    As a result of the now almost global energy transition and the associated requirements for the ever-increasing regulation of the markets while securing competition, the number of terms used and their definitions continues to increase. In addition to the influence of market and stock market concepts, network concepts are increasingly influencing the daily work of electricity producers, dealers, analysts and other market participants. At the same time, the processing of official and association-related inquiries requires a clear understanding of the contents of the terms used.

  3. Werkstoffspezifikation für drucktragende Komponenten in fossil befeuerten Kraftwerken - Material specification for components under pressure in fossil-fired power plants - ebook

    Werkstoffspezifikation für drucktragende Komponenten in fossil befeuerten Kraftwerken - Material specification for components under pressure in fossil-fired power plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-109-00-2012-08-DE-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 200,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 214,00 € ab: 160,50 €

    Dieser VGB-Standard gilt für die Dampfkesselbaugruppe und Rohrleitungen des Wasser-/Dampfkreislaufes. Sie soll zwischen Auftraggeber, Hersteller und Werkstoffhersteller bzw. -lieferant eindeutige Festlegungen für den Liefervertrag und für die anschließende Vertragsabwicklung schaffen und damit eine Rationalisierung der Bestellung und Auftragsabwicklung ermöglichen.
    *Die Richtlinie ist zweisprachig (Deutsch/Englisch).

    This VGB-Standard applies to the steam boiler assembly and pipelines of the water/ steam circulation. It shall clearly determine the delivery contract and the subsequent contract administration between customer, manufacturer and material manufacturer or supplier and thus enable a rationalisation of the order and order processing.
    *This guideline is in two languages (German/English).

  4. Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of Generators - ebook

    Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of Generators - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-166-00-2014-02-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 280,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 299,60 € ab: 203,30 €

    This VGB-Standard is intended to assist purchasers and operators of generators to assure the quality of the generator and its auxiliary systems and components during the manufacturing phase. It sets out the VGB requirements for quality.

  5. Ausführungsrichtlinie für Motoren und drehzahlgeregelte Antriebssysteme - ebook

    Ausführungsrichtlinie für Motoren und drehzahlgeregelte Antriebssysteme - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-168-00-2013-12-DE-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 250,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 267,50 € ab: 181,90 €

    Zielsetzung des vorliegenden VGB-Standards ist es, den am Prozess der Planung und Spezifizierung von Motoren und drehzahlgeregelten Antriebssystemen beteiligten Partnern (insbesondere Planer, Betreiber, Hersteller) durch weitgehende Vereinheitlichung ein wirksames Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dabei werden grundsätzliche verfahrenstechnische und elektrotechnische Auslegungsvorgaben einschließlich der erforderlichen Qualitätsvorgaben für die Motoren und drehzahlgeregelten Antriebssysteme in Kraftwerken berücksichtigt. Ebenso werden Effektivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit bei Herstellern, Planern und Betreibern durch die erzielten Vereinheitlichungen gefördert.

  6. Anwendung der Messdatenvalidierung gemäß VDI 2048 - ebook

    Anwendung der Messdatenvalidierung gemäß VDI 2048 - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-009-S-00;2012-03.DE-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 190,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 203,30 € ab: 139,10 €

    Im Zusammenhang mit IT-Lösungen zur Optimierung technischer Prozesse in Industriebetrieben wird oftmals das Stichwort „Messdatenvalidierung“ genannt. Tatsächlich ist die Messdatenvalidierung nach VDI 2048 ein interessantes und technisch anspruchsvolles Verfahren, mit dessen Hilfe die Qualität der betrieblichen Prozessdaten sowie die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der darauf basierenden Kennzahlen deutlich verbessert werden kann.

  7. Implementation guideline for motors and variable-speed power drive systems - ebook

    Implementation guideline for motors and variable-speed power drive systems - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-168-00-2013-12-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 250,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 267,50 € ab: 181,90 €

    The aim of this VGB Standard is to provide an effective aid to the parties involved in the planning and specification of motors and variable-speed power drive systems (especially design engineers, operators and manufacturers) by means of extensive harmonization. Account is taken of fundamental process and electrical engineering design requirements including the necessary quality standards for the motors and variable-speed power drive systems in power plants. The harmonization achieved also promotes effectiveness and economy among manufacturers, designers and operators.

  8. Application of data reconciliation in accordance with VDI 2048 - ebook

    Application of data reconciliation in accordance with VDI 2048 - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-009-S-00;2012-03.EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 190,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 203,30 € ab: 139,10 €

    Data reconciliation is frequently discussed in connection with IT systems for optimization of technical processes in industry. Data reconciliation as set out in VDI 2048 is indeed an interesting and technically complex process with which the quality of the operational process data and the indicators based on those data can be significantly improved.

  9. IT Security for Generating Plants - ebook

    IT Security for Generating Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-175-00-2014-04-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 280,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 299,60 € ab: 203,30 €

    The present VGB Standard S-175 explains fundamental concepts and compiles the threats and the security requirements derived from them in a structured and clear manner. In addition, recommendations for actions regarding the individual requirements have been compiled by way of example for improved understanding and  quick implementation. It is envisaged to provide in a library both additional aids for practical application and advice in response to current events.

  10. Particularities of Fire Protection of Waste to Energy Plants - ebook

    Particularities of Fire Protection of Waste to Energy Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-217-00-2012-11-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 200,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 214,00 € ab: 149,80 €

    With this VGB-Standard options are demonstrated to reduce fire hazards by constructional means and to respond to them by appropriate procedures, to detect a fire that has already started as soon as possible, and to fight the fire effectively taking into account the specific properties of this fuel.

  11. Type, Operation and Maintenance of Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plants (FGD) - ebook

    Type, Operation and Maintenance of Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plants (FGD) - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-015-2011-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 160,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 171,20 € ab: 107,00 €

    This VGB-Standard deals with flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) in large combustion plants. At this point, no additive processes, which can be employed in combustion, are considered. Here, only plants downstream of combustion are considered. The aim of the instruction sheet is to describe procedures and special designs so that every reader finds his type of plant described. Operating experience is what is most important. If special plant-specific problems occur, the corresponding plant type is pointed out. First experience is also important since the cooperation of experienced operating personnel is necessary for planning new plants. There is otherwise a risk that operating experience with existing plants is not considered.

  12. Brand- und Explosionsschutz in Biomasse-Kraftwerken - ebook

    Brand- und Explosionsschutz in Biomasse-Kraftwerken - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-018-00-2013-12-DE-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 120,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 128,40 € ab: 85,60 €

    Der VGB-Standard "Brand- und Explosionsschutz in Biomasse-Kraftwerken" zeigt Möglichkeiten, Brand- und Explosionsgefahren durch betriebliche und angepasste technische Maßnahmen so gering wie möglich zu halten.

  13. Fire and Explosion Protection in Biomass Power Plants - ebook

    Fire and Explosion Protection in Biomass Power Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-018-00-2013-12-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 120,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 128,40 € ab: 85,60 €

    This VGB-Standard presents methods of using operational and adapted technical measures to keep the risks of fire and explosion as low as possible. In this way, potential hazards can be avoided by the deployment of suitable operational workflows. Fires can be detected without delay and combatted effectively under the special conditions of the type of plant concerned. The formation of potentially explosive atmospheres can be limited by operational and technical measures.

  14. Inspection and Testing of Large Forgings and Castings for Steam and Gas Turbine Generator Sets - ebook

    Inspection and Testing of Large Forgings and Castings for Steam and Gas Turbine Generator Sets - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-504-00-2015-12-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 270,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 288,90 € ab: 214,00 €

    Safe operation and high availability of turbine systems make great demands on the reliability and consequently on the quality of the components used. The experience gained in the fabrication of large forgings and castings has been evaluated and considered in drafting this VGB-Standard in order to contribute to enhancing the  operating reliability and availability of the turbine systems.

    Requests for amendments raised by turbine generator set manufacturers necessitated a revision of the 2013 edition of this standard.
    In the context of the revision, the topic of “Ultrasonic testing of turbine shafts”, among other aspects, was jointly revised by experts from users and manufacturers.

  15. Umsetzung des Alterungsmanagements in der Bautechnik nach KTA 1403 - ebook

    Umsetzung des Alterungsmanagements in der Bautechnik nach KTA 1403 - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-024-00-2014-01-DE-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 65,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 69,55 € ab: 48,15 €

    Die Regel KTA 1403 „Alterungsmanagement in Kernkraftwerken“ in der Fassung von November 2010 regelt grundlegend, wie die Betreiber ein Alterungsmanagement durchzuführen haben. Dieser VGB-Standard ermöglicht ein einheitliches Vorgehen für die Umsetzung des Alterungsmanagements in der Bautechnik.

  16. RDS-PP® – Application Guideline; Part 32: Wind Power Plants; Anwendungsrichtlinie, Teil 32: Windkraftwerke, 2nd Edition / 2. Ausgabe - ebook

    RDS-PP® – Application Guideline; Part 32: Wind Power Plants; Anwendungsrichtlinie, Teil 32: Windkraftwerke, 2nd Edition / 2. Ausgabe - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-823-32-2021-12-EN-DE-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 645,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 690,15 € ab: 460,10 €

    Die Anwendungsrichtlinie RDS-PP®, Teil 32: Windkraftwerke, umfasst die sachgerechte und anwendungsorientierte Umsetzung für den gesamten Bereich der Windenergienutzung auf Grundlage der allgemeinen Kennzeichnungsnorm für die Energiebranche und verdeutlicht diese mit praxisbezogenen Beispielen. Der vorliegende VGB-Standard ist 2. Revision der Vorgängerversionen von 2014 bzw. 2006. Er ist international anerkannte Grundlage für die Kennzeichnung in der Windbranche. Der VGB-Standard liegt als zweisprachige deutsch-englische Ausgabe vor.

    The Application Guideline RDS-PP®, Part 32: Wind Turbines, covers the appropriate and application-oriented implementation for the entire field of wind energy use on the basis of the general designation standard for the energy industry and clarifies this with practical examples. This VGB-Standard is the 2nd revision of the previous versions from 2014 and 2006 and is the internationally recognised basis for designation in the wind industry. The VGB-Standard is available as a bilingual German-English edition.

  17. Civil Engineering in Nuclear Power Plants - ebook

    Civil Engineering in Nuclear Power Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-026-00-2013-04-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 300,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 321,00 € ab: 235,40 €

    This Standard is intended to provide planners, constructors, suppliers, operators, authorities and other stakeholders with a document based on the principles of German nuclear legislation, which puts together the special structural requirements and procedures for the planning and construction of nuclear power plants. Reference is made to the respective regulations, rules, technical codes and standards, etc.

  18. VGB-Abkürzungskatalog für die Kraftwerkstechnik - eBook [mit Excel-Datei]

    VGB-Abkürzungskatalog für die Kraftwerkstechnik - eBook [mit Excel-Datei]

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-891-00-2012-06-DE-EN-ebook-Excel-Datei
    zzgl. Steuern: 885,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 946,95 € ab: 631,30 €

    Ziel des VGB-Abkürzungskatalogs VGB-S891-00-2012-06-DE-EN ist es die Systematik zur Bildung von Abkürzungen zu regeln. Durch Festschreibung von Abkürzungen für kraftwerkstechnische Begriffe wird den Planern, Errichtern und Betreibern von Kraftwerksanlagen eine verbindliche Arbeitsgrundlage zur Verfügung gestellt.

  19. Maintenance-compatible documentation - ebook

    Maintenance-compatible documentation - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-029-S-00;2012-03-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 135,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 144,45 € ab: 96,30 €

    Maintenance of conventional power generation facilities is increasingly required to meet demands for maximum cost-effectiveness together, wherever possible, with rising quality. The industrial health and safety regulations require operators to take on great responsibility, resulting in an obligation to maintain comprehensive documentation.

  20. Oil system cleaning for gas and steam turbine plants - ebook

    Oil system cleaning for gas and steam turbine plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-030-00-2013-06-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 180,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 192,60 € ab: 128,40 €

    By collecting and evaluating the vast experience gained during the operation, installation, modification and revision of gas and steam turbine oil plants and incorporating them into this VGB-Standard, the intention is to contribute to the operational safety and availability of the plants and to avoid errors when flushing oil systems. The measures to be taken in respect of planning, ordering, installing, modifying and revising turbine oil systems should be coordinated intelligently.

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