Invitation to Tender Criteria for Heat Recovery Steam Generators Downstream of Gas Turbines - ebook

ehem. Bestell-Kennz.: Nein
ISBN: urn:isbn:978-3-86875-502-2
Bestell-Kennz.: M222e-ebook
Erscheinungsdatum: 06.07.2016

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

zzgl. Steuern: 200,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 214,00 €


Upon the initiative of the VGB Committee “Steam Generators“ a special working group
was founded to establish criteria for invitations to tender of heat recovery steam generators
downstream of gas turbines.

The instruction sheet established by this committee represents a working aid for invitations
to tender. It is intended to provide the purchaser with additional information which
shall enable him to order a plant meeting the operational requirements and making a trouble
and damage-free operation possible.

This instruction sheet provides a collection and evaluation of technical literature, a comparison
of specific technical requirements and knowledge as well as opinions of the parties
involved and was established in close co-operation with power plant manufacturers
and the relevant technical associations.

*Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.


Invitation to Tender Criteria for Heat Recovery Steam Generators Downstream of Gas Turbines - ebook

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zzgl. Steuern: 200,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 214,00 €

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