Concept of (recurrent) training for performance of non-routine activities in German NPPs - ebook

ehem. Bestell-Kennz.: Nein
ISBN: urn:isbn:978-3-86875-920-4
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-043-00-2016-06-EN-ebook
Erscheinungsdatum: 17.02.2017

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

zzgl. Steuern: 150,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 160,50 €


On the basis of the established practices in German nuclear power plants, and making allowance from the VGB “Concept for the Implementation of Tools for Professional Conduct”, the WG has worked out the principles for such training (target group, contents, training intervals, etc.) and written them down in this VGB-Standard.

Routine activities are characterised by the fact that tried and tested procedures regularly find use and experienced personnel is on hand to carry out and supervise the work. We speak of non-routine activities when one or more of the aforesaid conditions are not satisfied.

Activities that appear routine in the beginning can turn into non-routine activities. Reasons can be:

  • unforeseeable course of work,
  • changed condition of plant,
  • rarely performed activity,
  • employee(s) with little experience in the designated area of work,
  • incorrect instructions.

Concept of (recurrent) training for performance of non-routine activities in German NPPs - ebook

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zzgl. Steuern: 150,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 160,50 €

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