Current New Publications

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  1. Reliability indicators with KISSY new data 2009 to 2020 - A vgbe & DNV project - ebook

    Reliability indicators with KISSY new data 2009 to 2020 - A vgbe & DNV project - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: DNV-VGBE-23-0027
    zzgl. Steuern: 500,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 535,00 € ab: 181,90 €

    Failures in power plants can be costly and efforts should be directed to prevent such events. Methods using Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) tools are well known to answer questions on target values for reliability and availability of a plant, capacity expansion planning, optimum redundancy, maintenance optimisation, spare parts management etc.. This report is available as an electronic PDF-document (ebook) of 1,167 pages. The largest part of the report consists of evaluations of various components that are identified by the power plant identification system (based and referenced on Kraftwerk-Kennzeichensystem – KKS function keys) and are used in different types of power plants (hard coal and lignite-fired power plants as well as combined cycle plants). ----- Ungeplante Ausfälle in Kraftwerken können kostspielig sein. Daher sollten diese vermieden werden. Dafür geeignete Methoden, die Reliability-Availability-Maintainability (RAM)-Tools verwenden, sind bekannt und werden angewendet. Sie liefern Hinweise und Ergebnisse, um die Zuverlässigkeit und Verfügbarkeit einer Anlage, die Planung von Kapazitätserweiterungen, optimale Redundanzen, die Instandhaltung, das Ersatzteilmanagement usw. zu optimieren. Solche RAM-Tools benötigen jedoch verlässliche Zuverlässigkeitsdaten. Nur wenige Projekte unterstützen die Erhebung solcher Daten, auch weltweit und vor allem über einen längeren Zeitraum. Dieser Bericht ist als elektronisches PDF-Dokument (ebook) mit 1.167 Seiten verfügbar. Der größte Teil des Berichts besteht aus Auswertungen verschiedener Komponenten, die durch das Kraftwerkskennzeichensystem (KKS) festgelegt werden und in unterschiedlichen Kraftwerkstypen (Steinkohle- und Braunkohlekraftwerken sowie GuD-Anlagen) eingesetzt werden.
  2. Availability of Power Plants 2013 – 2022, Edition 2023 (KISSY database evaluation) - ebook

    Availability of Power Plants 2013 – 2022, Edition 2023 (KISSY database evaluation) - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGBE-TW-103Ve-2023-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 340,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 363,80 € ab: 181,90 €

    VGBE-TW 103Ve (2023): Since 1970 vgbe/VGB has collected data about power plants based on standardized definitions, calculation methods, and recording procedures, among others in the database KISSY.

    This report (edition 2023) presents the analysis about availability and utilization for the period 2013 - 2022.

  3. Analysis of Unavailability of Power Plants 2013 – 2022, Edition 2023 (KISSY database evaluation) - ebook

    Analysis of Unavailability of Power Plants 2013 – 2022, Edition 2023 (KISSY database evaluation) - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGBE-TW-103Ae-2023-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 340,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 363,80 € ab: 181,90 €

    VGBE-TW 103A (2023): Since 1970 vgbe/VGB has collected data about power plants based on standardized definitions, calculation methods, and recording procedures, among others in the database KISSY.

    This report (edition 2023) presents the analysis about unavailability for the period 2013 - 2022.

  4. 9 % to 12 % Cr Steels - Design, Manufacture, Fabrication and Safety Concepts - ebook

    9 % to 12 % Cr Steels - Design, Manufacture, Fabrication and Safety Concepts - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGBE-TW-531e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 360,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 385,20 € ab: 256,80 €

    The aim of this report is to summarize the current state of knowledge in Germany on the quality-compliant production, processing, and design of the now established 9 % to 12 % Cr steel grades used in the energy and process industry and their applications.

  5. Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants - ebook

    Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGBE-S-010-00-2023-08-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 360,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 385,20 € ab: 256,80 €

    vgbe energy e.V. hereby presents a revised version of the VGB-Standard VGB-S-010 for "Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants". This revised vgbe-Standard replaces the former edition 2011.
    This vgbe-Standard is available in German and English./Dieser vgbe-Standard liegt in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache vor.

  6. Cooling Water Systems and Cooling Water Treatment - ebook

    Cooling Water Systems and Cooling Water Treatment - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGBE-S-455-00-2022-12-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 300,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 321,00 € ab: 214,00 €

    This vgbe standard “Cooling Water Systems and Cooling Water Treatment”, VGBE-S-455-00-2022-12-EN, replaces the previous VGB Cooling Water Guideline VGB-R 455e, the second edition of which was published in January 2000.

    This vgbe-Standard is available in German and English./Dieser vgbe-Standard liegt in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache vor.

  7. Elektrostaciju tehniskie un komerciālie pamatrādītāji (Latvian, Technical and Commercial Key Indicators for Power Plants, free of charge - ebook)

    Elektrostaciju tehniskie un komerciālie pamatrādītāji (Latvian, Technical and Commercial Key Indicators for Power Plants, free of charge - ebook)

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-002-03-2019-10-LV-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 0,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 0,00 €

    Šis VGB standarts ļauj lietotājam veikt elektrostaciju tehnisko un ekonomisko novērtējumu. Turklāt, izmantojot VGB standartu, var analizēt cenu ietekmes un tiesisko prasību ietekmi uz elektrostacijas darbību. Lietotājs saņem datu apstrādes iespējas, detalizēti novērtējot elektrostacijas procesus, novērtējot elektrostacijas darbību un nosakot ekonomiskos panākumus.

  8. Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 1 to Part 3 (2023), and Part 4 (2018) [free of charge] - ebook

    Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 1 to Part 3 (2023), and Part 4 (2018) [free of charge] - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-021-XX-YYYY-MM-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 0,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 0,00 €

    Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 1: General. Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection Systems. Part 3: Application of Coating Systems. Part 4: Cathodic Protection (CP)

8 Artikel

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