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Analysis of Unavailability of Power Plants 2012 – 2021, Edition 2022 (KISSY database evaluation) - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-TW-103Ae-2022-ebookSince 1970 VGB has collected data about power plants based on standardized definitions, calculation methods, and recording procedures, among others in the database KISSY.
This report (edition 2022) presents the analysis about unavailability for the period 2012 - 2021.
Lieferung der Technischen Dokumentation (Technische Anlagendaten, Dokumente) fĂĽr Anlagen der Energieversorgung - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-831-00-2015-05-DE-ebookDer VGB-Standard gilt für die gesamte Technische Dokumentation (Technische Anlagendaten, Dokumente), die bei der Abwicklung von Projekten (Planung, Errichtung und Inbetriebsetzung) erforderlich ist, um den künftigen Betrieb und die Instandhaltung sicherzustellen, wobei die jeweilige Art der Energieversorgungsanlage zu berücksichtigen ist.
Termes fondamentaux du secteur de l'électricité - 10e édition 2015, gratuit, free of charge - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-002-01-2015-10-FR-ebookzzgl. Steuern: 0,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 0,00 €Nicht auf Lager
Avec la libéralisation du marché de l’électricité et la transition qui en découle vers une production d’électricité axée sur le marché, de plus en plus de nouveaux termes font leur apparition dans le quotidien des professionnels du secteur. Les termes boursiers et spécifiques au marché ont notamment une grande influence sur le quotidien professionnel des producteurs d’électricité, des entreprises commerciales, des analystes et des autres acteurs du secteur.
Operational safety in electrotechnology - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-163-00-2015-07-EN-ebookThe purpose of this VGB-Standard is, with respect to the electrotechnical systems and components of a power plant, to set out what essential rules should prevail regarding their characteristics and operation, and how these can be applied for purposes of implementing BetrSichV. In addition, it intends to make a contribution to a uniform understanding of the risk assessment of all electrotechnical systems and components of a power plant.
Compendium “Best Practices for Coal-Based Power Plants in Germany” - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-B032-ebookThe aim of this “Best Practices” study is to identify the approaches taken by the German power industry for building and operating coal-based power plants and to compile these in one place. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the aspects that are important in all phases of a power plant lifecycle. Existing best practices and guidelines are referenced.
Guidelines for Ordering High-capacity Steam Boilers - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R101e-ebookThis guideline R 101 He gives guidance on writing the technical and commercial contract terms for the procurement of water tube boilers for use in electricity generating stations (power stations).
Thermal Behaviour of Steam Turbines - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R105e-ebooklt should always be remembered that placing excessive requirements on the start-up and loading behaviour of turbines will reduce the serve life of certain components . Mention is also made of the gentle mode of operation nowadays possible when suitable monitoring equipment or automatic systems are used .
Tubes for Condensers and other Heat Exchangers for the Operation of Steam Turbine Plants - Copper Alloys - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R106e-ebookThe "Tubes for condensers and other heat exchangers for the operation of steam turbine plants" guidelines are currently split into three material groups (VGB-R 106e "Copper Alloys", VGB-R 113e "Stainless Steels" and VGB-R 114e "Titanium"). The guidelines are intended to provide information to the operating company of combined heat and thermal power plants so that they can order the correct piping for condensers and heat exchangers and also to help them prevent faults and damage.
Fire Protection in Power Plants - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R108e-ebookThe VGB-Guideline R108e aim to form a foundation that operators can use to compile their own fire protection strategies, tailored to suit the particular plant in question. For this reason, a number of suitable steps are given as examples.
Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part B "Stainless Steels") - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R113e-ebookThe "Tubes for condensers and other heat exchangers for the operation of steam turbine plants" guidelines are currently split into three material groups (VGB-R 106 "Copper Alloys", VGB-R 113 "Stainless Steels" and VGB-R 114 "Titanium"). The guidelines are intended to provide information to the operating company of combined
heat and thermal power plants so that they can order the correct piping for condensers and heat exchangers and also to help them prevent faults and damage. -
Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part C “Titanium”) - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R114e-ebookThe guidelines are intended to provide information to the operating company of combined heat and thermal power plants so that they can order the correct piping for condensers and heat exchangers and also to help them prevent faults and damage. To allow a better understanding and to assess pipe damage, the guidelines contain material-specific explanations and information in the form of photos illustrating typical damage symptoms.
Recommendation for Design and Operation of Vacuum Pumps at Steam Turbine Condensers - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R126e-ebookDue to the development towards larger outputs in power Stations, it was necessary for the design of air extraction pumps for surface condenser units to keep pace. For this purpose water-, air- or steam ejectors and water ring pumps or combination of these can be used. The design of the suction pumps was adapted to the development of unit size.
Leitfaden zur Einführung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen in EVU - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R150ebookDieser Leitfaden soll für alle Lieferungen und Leistungen eines Versorgungsunternehmens eine praxisnahe Interpretation des QM-Regelwerks bieten. Er gibt somit Anregungen und Hilfestellung beim Aufbau eines unternehmensspezifischen QM-Systems.
Design Standards for Instrumentation and Control Equipment (B0 to B6) - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R170(B0-B6)e-ebookzzgl. Steuern: 390,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 417,30 €Sections B1 to B6, present as a collection of data in VGB guideline VGB R 170 B, are to be understood as a catalogue of requirements for the specification of and/or the terms of reference for instrumentation and control equipment projects.
Fast Cooling-down of Steam Turbines - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: M110e-ebookThe outage time necessary for inspections and repair of faults and damages can be substantially reduced by rapid cooling of steam turbines. This Instruction Sheet describes various processes for cooling down steam turbines. The information contained herein is based on many years of experience as well as some new findings of operators and manufacturers of steam turbines.
The Instruction Sheet was drawn up by a Working Group of the Working Panel "Turbine Operation" in the VGB Technical Committee "Steam Turbine and Steam Turbine Operation". -
Guideline for the Construction and Operation of Ash Handling Plants - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: R201e-ebookThis Guideline applies to ash handling facilities for steam boilers, extending from the collection points of the combustion residues up to the places of dispatch from the delineated power station area.
Lebensdauerverlängerung von konventionellen Kraftwerksblöcken (ZURÜCKGEZOGEN, 2023)
Bestell-Kennz.: M113ebookDas vorliegende Merkblatt stellt einen allgemeinen Leitfaden für das Vorgehen bei Maßnahmen zur langzeitigen Lebensdauerverlängerung von fossilbefeuerten Kraftwerksblöcken dar. Der zu bearbeitende Themenbereich bei dieser Aufgabe ist so weit und die Palette der baulichen, konstruktiven und betrieblichen Möglichkeiten so groß und unterschiedlich, daß konkrete Lösungsvorschläge für den Einzelfall kaum gegeben werden können. Das ist nur dort der Fall, wo verbindliche Vorschriften, wie z .B. bei der Festigkeitsberechnung, beachtet werden müssen.
Brand- und Explosionsschutz beim Trocknen und Verbrennen von Klärschlamm - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: M116ebookDas vorliegende Merkblatt berücksichtigt die Besonderheiten des Brennstoffes Klärschlamm, die nicht in der VGB-R108 "Brandschutz im KW" behandelt sind. Der Geltungsbereich des Merkblattes erstreckt sich auf Mindestanforderungen an den vorzuhaltenden Brand- und Explosionsschutz von Anlagen zur Trocknung und/oder Verbrennung von Klärschlamm.
Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: M130e-ebookThe aim of the liberation of the European energy market was and is the competition of the operating companies at the market, of which more efficiency and noticeably low prices for the customers should be achieved. Due to this transition, from a former monopole “island situation” into an open energy market, there is continuing pressure for the energy producers to reduce costs: Adaption- and rationalisation possibilities are under serious consideration.
*Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.
Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook
Bestell-Kennz.: M131ebookThe aim of the liberation of the European energy market was and is the competition of the operating companies at the market, of which more efficiency and noticeably low prices for the customers should be achieved. Due to this transition, from a former monopole “island situation” into an open energy market, there is continuing pressure for the energy producers to reduce costs: Adaption- and rationalisation possibilities are under serious consideration.
*Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.