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Artikel 161 bis 180 von 284 gesamt

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In aufsteigender Reihenfolge
  1. Charakterisierung von Kraftwerkskohlen - Print

    Charakterisierung von Kraftwerkskohlen - Print

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-210-00-2015-07-DE
    zzgl. Steuern: 320,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 342,40 € ab: 224,70 €

    Seit der Erstausgabe 2003 (VGB-R 210) haben sich vereinzelt neue Entwicklungen, vor allem aber geänderte Bedingungen für den Betrieb eines steinkohlengefeuerten Kraftwerkskessels herausgeschält. Neue Anforderungen seitens der Gesetzgebung aber auch seitens der sich stark veränderten wirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen erforderten eine Überarbeitung und Modernisierung des Textes.

  2. Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Energy Supply Units - ebook

    Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Energy Supply Units - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-831-00-2015-05-EN-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 630,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 674,10 € ab: 449,40 €

    The Guideline applies to the entire technical documentation (technical plant data and documents) which is necessary in the performance of projects, e.g. in planning, erection and commissioning to ensure future operation and maintenance, taking account of the type of energy supply unit concerned.

  3. Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Energy Supply Units - Print

    Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Energy Supply Units - Print

    Bestell-Kennz.: VGB-S-831-00-2015-05-EN
    zzgl. Steuern: 630,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 674,10 € ab: 449,40 €

    The Guideline applies to the entire technical documentation (technical plant data and documents) which is necessary in the performance of projects, e.g. in planning, erection and commissioning to ensure future operation and maintenance, taking account of the type of energy supply unit concerned.

  4. Impact Grindability Index PMI - ebook

    Impact Grindability Index PMI - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: R211e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    This instruction sheet applies to the characterisation of the grindability of lignites according to the Impact Grundability Index PMI (in German: Prallmahlindex PMI). This process variable characterises the grindability of pulverised fuels under the conditions of impact crushing, in particular for beater wheel, beater or fan mills.

  5. Prallmahlindex (PMI) - ebook

    Prallmahlindex (PMI) - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: R211ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    Diese Richtlinie gilt für die Charakterisierung der Mahlbarkeit von Braunkohle nach Prallmahlindex. Mit dem Verfahren werden relative Kennwerte zur Mahlbarkeit unter den Bedingungen der Prallzerkleinerung ermittelt, die für die Auslegung und den Betrieb von Mahltrocknungsanlagen an Staubfeuerungen, insbesondere von Schlagrad-, Schlägeroder Ventilatormühlen, von Bedeutung sind.

  6. Analysis of FGD Gypsum - ebook

    Analysis of FGD Gypsum - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M701e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 60,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 64,20 € ab: 32,10 €

    The first edition of the instruction sheet “Analysis of FGD gypsum” was elaborated and published by the joint Working Group of the "Bundesverbandes der Gipsindustrie e.V." and VGB PowerTech e.V. to assure a high quality of FDG gypsum in coal-fired power plants. Due to new analysis methods the Project Group of the VGB Working Panel „Analysis“ revised the second edition and co-ordinated it with the Federal Association of the Gypsum Industry (Bundesverband der Gipsindustrie e.V.).


  7. Gas distributor plates in fluidized bed systems - ebook

    Gas distributor plates in fluidized bed systems - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M218e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    Since about 1985, fluidized bed combustion (FBC) has greatly extended the possibilities for operating power plants on the basis of solid fuels economically and in an environmentally acceptable manner. In addition to the system-inherent possibilities for infurnace emission reduction, FBC can be adapted to an especially broad range of fuels, some of which with a very high ash content. The possibility of using pressurized fluidized bed gasification and combustion systems in coal/combined cycle power plants and thus achieving substantial improvements in resource conservation and CO2 reduction have been technically demonstrated.


  8. Recommendations for Design and Properties of Waste-fuelled Steam Generators - Second Edition 2009 - ebook

    Recommendations for Design and Properties of Waste-fuelled Steam Generators - Second Edition 2009 - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M216e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    We expect that this second edition of the Instruction sheet, which is now entitled 'Recom-mendations for Design and Warranties of Waste-fuelled Steam Generators' will not only be beneficial for the purchasers but also for the suppliers of waste incineration facilities.


  9. Merkblatt Empfehlungen für Auslegung und Beschaffenheit von abfallgefeuerten Dampferzeugern – 2009 - ebook

    Merkblatt Empfehlungen für Auslegung und Beschaffenheit von abfallgefeuerten Dampferzeugern – 2009 - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M216ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    Der bisherige Erfolg dieses Merkblattes gab Anlass zu einer Weiterentwicklung und Anpassung an die heutigen Rahmenbedingungen. Die legislativen Änderungen, insbesondere die Harmonisierung der europäischen Regelwerke, aber auch die Neuerungen im Handelsrecht machen textliche Anpassungen erforderlich.


  10. Coal Handling in  Power Plants - ebook

    Coal Handling in Power Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M211e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 100,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 107,00 € ab: 74,90 €

    The VGB Instruction Sheet “Coal Handling in Power Plants” contains a collection of experience and recommendations which was prepared to the best of our knowledge but cannot always completely reproduce the state of the art. It provides a summary of information in the field of power plant coal handling which provides the user with a better overview of the specialist area and the associated regulations. The Instruction Sheet is therefore an important instrument for more efficient cooperation between those concerned. Complete application or application of excerpts must be agreed upon between the clients and the suppliers. There is no obligation to apply it. Liability, also for the factual correctness of the presentation is excluded. Likewise, rights under patent law and other property rights are to be clarified by the user on his/her own responsibility.

    It is requested that the experience gained with the application of this Instruction Sheet, and that, by way of suggestions for improvements, any shortcomings found in the presentation as well as any possibilities that arose for confusing interpretations be reported to the VGB office for evaluation. This can be a starting point for addenda or alterations.


  11. Coal Bunkers – Planning, design, equipment and operation - ebook

    Coal Bunkers – Planning, design, equipment and operation - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M206e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 100,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 107,00 € ab: 74,90 €

    The VGB Instruction Sheet “Coal Bunkers” contains a collection of experience and recommendations which was prepared according to the best of our knowledge but which cannot always completely reproduce the state of the art. It provides a summary of information in the field of coal bunkers which provides the user with a better overview of the specialist area and the associated regulations. The Instruction Sheet is therefore an important instrument for economisation and efficiency-boosting cooperation between manufacturers and owners/operators. Complete application or application only of excerpts must be agreed upon between the clients and the suppliers. There is no obligation to apply it. Liability, also for the factual correctness of the presentation, is excluded.


  12. Monitoring concept for oil-cooled  transformers in  nuclear power plants - ebook

    Monitoring concept for oil-cooled transformers in nuclear power plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M160e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 100,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 107,00 € ab: 74,90 €

    In order to ensure their high availability, oil-cooled transformers are monitored continuous-ly and subjected to a very wide variety of tests at regular intervals. In an exchange of ex-perience, the operators of all nuclear power plant sites in Germany harmonized the scope of their testing and monitoring of oil-cooled transformers.


  13. Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M131e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 100,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 107,00 € ab: 74,90 €

    The aim of the liberation of the European energy market was and is the competition of the operating companies at the market, of which more efficiency and noticeably  low prices for the customers should be achieved. Due to this transition, from a former monopole “island situation” into an open energy market, there is continuing  pressure for the energy producers to reduce costs: Adaption- and rationalisation possibilities are under serious consideration.

    *Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.

  14. Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M131ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 100,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 107,00 € ab: 74,90 €

    The aim of the liberation of the European energy market was and is the competition of the operating companies at the market, of which more efficiency and noticeably  low prices for the customers should be achieved. Due to this transition, from a former monopole “island situation” into an open energy market, there is continuing  pressure for the energy producers to reduce costs: Adaption- and rationalisation possibilities are under serious consideration.

    *Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.

  15. Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M130e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 140,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 149,80 € ab: 96,30 €

    The aim of the liberation of the European energy market was and is the competition of the operating companies at the market, of which more efficiency and noticeably  low prices for the customers should be achieved. Due to this transition, from a former monopole “island situation” into an open energy market, there is continuing  pressure for the energy producers to reduce costs: Adaption- and rationalisation possibilities are under serious consideration.

    *Dieses Produkt ist ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache erhältlich.

  16. Brand- und Explosionsschutz beim Trocknen und Verbrennen von Klärschlamm - ebook

    Brand- und Explosionsschutz beim Trocknen und Verbrennen von Klärschlamm - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M116ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 60,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 64,20 € ab: 32,10 €

    Das vorliegende Merkblatt berücksichtigt die Besonderheiten des Brennstoffes Klärschlamm, die nicht in der VGB-R108 "Brandschutz im KW" behandelt sind. Der Geltungsbereich des Merkblattes erstreckt sich auf Mindestanforderungen an den vorzuhaltenden Brand- und Explosionsschutz von Anlagen zur Trocknung und/oder Verbrennung von Klärschlamm.

  17. Lebensdauerverlängerung von konventionellen Kraftwerksblöcken (ZURÜCKGEZOGEN, 2023)

    Lebensdauerverlängerung von konventionellen Kraftwerksblöcken (ZURÜCKGEZOGEN, 2023)

    Bestell-Kennz.: M113ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 70,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 74,90 € ab: 64,20 €

    Das vorliegende Merkblatt stellt einen allgemeinen Leitfaden für das Vorgehen bei Maßnahmen zur langzeitigen Lebensdauerverlängerung von fossilbefeuerten Kraftwerksblöcken dar. Der zu bearbeitende Themenbereich bei dieser Aufgabe ist so weit und die Palette der baulichen, konstruktiven und betrieblichen Möglichkeiten so groß und unterschiedlich, daß konkrete Lösungsvorschläge für den Einzelfall kaum gegeben werden können. Das ist nur dort der Fall, wo verbindliche Vorschriften, wie z .B. bei der Festigkeitsberechnung, beachtet werden müssen.

  18. Guideline for the Construction and Operation of Ash Handling Plants - ebook

    Guideline for the Construction and Operation of Ash Handling Plants - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: R201e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 110,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 117,70 € ab: 64,20 €

    This Guideline applies to ash handling facilities for steam boilers, extending from the collection points of the combustion residues up to the places of dispatch from the delineated power station area.

  19. Fast Cooling-down of Steam Turbines - ebook

    Fast Cooling-down of Steam Turbines - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: M110e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 30,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 32,10 € ab: 21,40 €

    The outage time necessary for inspections and repair of faults and damages can be substantially reduced by rapid cooling of steam turbines. This Instruction Sheet describes various processes for cooling down steam turbines. The information contained herein is based on many years of experience as well as some new findings of  operators and manufacturers of steam turbines.
    The Instruction Sheet was drawn up by a Working Group of the Working Panel "Turbine Operation" in the VGB  Technical Committee "Steam Turbine and Steam Turbine Operation".

  20. Design Standards for Instrumentation and Control Equipment (B0 to B6) - ebook

    Design Standards for Instrumentation and Control Equipment (B0 to B6) - ebook

    Bestell-Kennz.: R170(B0-B6)e-ebook
    zzgl. Steuern: 390,00 € Inkl. Steuern: 417,30 €

    Sections B1 to B6, present as a collection of data in VGB guideline VGB R 170 B, are to be understood as a catalogue of requirements for the specification of and/or the terms of reference for instrumentation and control equipment projects.

Artikel 161 bis 180 von 284 gesamt

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In aufsteigender Reihenfolge